Recyklační poradenství

We process waste for a clean and prosperous world.




About us

Although the efforts of individual regions, countries and organizations to manage the problem of increasing waste, it is difficult to find an ideal and comprehensive solution. The best way to prevent growing landfills is high-quality recycling and subsequent use of the material.

Our company provides a comprehensive after-treatment - waste recycling solution, using the experience of our experts and using the most modern technologies, we help to relieve local landfills and build strong domestic end markets for all types of recyclable materials and municipal waste streams.



Our Vision



Our offering of solutions for the environmental and circular economy to countries that have a need and interest in addressing this area, for example on the African continent or in Latin America, but also in other regions, is not only important for environmental protection, but also for promoting sustainable development and improving the living conditions of local people.

We are aware that the beginning is always the most difficult part. The implementation of information campaigns and educational programmes to shed light on the benefits and importance of environmental protection and the circular economy can help create a basic awareness among the population.

This can be greatly helped by the introduction of stricter environmental regulations and the support of policies aimed at a sustainable way of production and consumption. This may include, for example, bans or restrictions on the use of single-use plastics and other harmful materials.

As another very important step, it is to actively cooperate at the regional level, sharing experiences and best practices to accelerate progress towards sustainability and improving the infrastructure for waste collection, sorting and recycling, where environmental pollution can be significantly reduced. Supporting reuse for new quality products can also reduce the consumption of raw materials, which are often unavailable in the given region.

The wish and vision of our company is to help with this field, to build a network of independent, tailor-made "hubs" centers in the given regions and countries, which openly and transparently share information, expertise, financial services, logistics and other resources for mutual support in jointly building a prosperous and sustainable circular economy.

The company MODULAR POINT s.r.o. uses a so-called holistic approach for such solutions, which in our view is the best solution for comprehensive wasteutilization. This means taking a holistic view of the question
waste management solutions, from the generation of waste to its subsequent use.

The idea is to create partnerships between the public, private and industrial sectors to design and deliver right-sized solutions that create new green jobs, relieve
local landfills and build strong domestic end markets for all types of recyclable waste and resulting products.

By taking these steps, helping to develop local businesses focused on the production of ecological and recyclable products can strengthen the economy and create jobs. And overall, it can bring long-term social and economic benefits to improving the living conditions of local communities and protecting the environment. This may include the production of eco-friendly packaging, alternative building materials, etc.

We are very actively trying to cooperate with international organizations, non-governmental organizations and other entities on our projects of building new recycling centers, when such cooperation can provide these circular projects with financial, technical and professional support for the implementation of sustainable solutions.

However, it is important to realize that investment in projects that help to solve the problem of waste collection, sorting and recycling can significantly reduce environmental pollution, but in a given region it will fundamentally improve the living conditions of local communities and environmental protection, and thus long-term social and economic benefits.

In conclusion, we would like to say that in our company we are aware that "the best waste is the one that is not created", but if it has already been created,
we have a solution for you - EVEN WASTE CAN BE GIVEN A SECOND CHANCE.


